Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordRight Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

As reported in Time:

"The fact that our numbers are up 30 plus in the news arena on basic cable I'd like to think is a sign that we are just putting what we believe to be the facts out on the table," said Michael Clemente, Fox's senior vice president for news, in an interview on Tuesday.

Reflect on that very revealing statement by Fox News VP for News.

"..we are just putting what we believe to be the facts out on the table…"

That's the kind of statement you probably wouldn't hear from any other legitimate news organization — print or broadcast.

The point of journalism is to put out the facts — not what the media outlet believes are the facts.  And if you don't know the facts, you send people out to get them.

When you broadcast or publish beliefs, that's speculation.  Or opinion.  Or even advocacy.  And that's fine — there's always a place in this information age for speculation, opinion, and advocacy. 

But it's not journalism, and it's very telling that these words come from a senior vice president of cable news.