Benghazi Joke Continues

Ken AshfordCongress, Obama Opposition, Political ScandalsLeave a Comment

Yesterday's jokester was Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Cal), who is heading up the Committee To Get To The Bottom of Benghazi Dammit Because We Know Something Is Being Covered Up But We Don't Know What But It's Impeachable That's Fer Darn Sure Dammit.

In fact, Issa gave us two yucks yesterday.

First he said, on Fox News, this (starting at 0:59):


[A]n act of terror is different than a terrorist attack.


Listen, if even a part of your outrage and theory depends on the semantic difference between "an act of terror" and "a terrorist attack", then you've lost the debate,  Stop digging.  Put down the shovel.  Go home.

But Issa didn't.  He then went on to say:


They began being attacked, and were attacked for more than seven hours and we're to believe that no response could even be started that could have helped them seven hours later? Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, DC on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours. You certainly can take off from areas in the Mediterranean and bring at least some support in less than seven hours.

Really? DC to Benghazi in seven hours on a commercial flight?

Hmmmm.  Dum-de-dum-de-dum.  Clik-clak-clik-clik-clik.

Expedia to libya


Darrell.  Stop.  Now.  You're embarrassing yourself.