R.I.P. Abe Vigoda

Ken AshfordIn PassingLeave a Comment

The actor who never dies, has died:

180px-Abe_Vigoda_1975Legendary actor Abe Vigoda — who starred in “The Godfather” — died under hospice care at the age of 94 … TMZ has learned.

Abe’s death had been falsely reported countless times, dating all the way back to 1982.

Abe played Tessio in “The Godfather” and also “The Godfather Part II.” In fact, he was still doing the voice for Tessio in ‘Godfather’ video games as late as 2007.

His most famous role on TV was as Detective Phil Fish on the ’80s sitcom “Barney Miller” … which once worked the infamous hoax reports of Abe’s death into a storyline.

He’s been in my dead pool for many years, except this one I think.

Abe Vigoda was old when he starred in Barney Miller (which wasn’t a 1980s sitcom — it was the 1970s).  I mean, he seemed REALLY old, and he played a very old one-foot-in-the-grave character.

The website www.abevigoda.com exists for one reason, and one reason only.  To report whether Abe Vigoda is dead or alive.  Looks like they need to do an update.  Here’s a screen cap:

abe vigoda status

