Local Politics: Dem In NC-11 Running Virtually Opposed

Ken AshfordElection 2008, Local InterestLeave a Comment

Gr2006052501537From Kos:

At one point, the GOP was bursting with enthusiasm about gaining back their long-lost and well-deserved House majority, and high on their target list for this goal were seats like North Carolina’s Republican-leaning 11th District, now represented by freshman Democrat Heath Shuler.

Except that their candidate has now suspended his campaign.

Republican Congressional candidate Carl Mumpower has suspended his campaign to unseat incumbent Heath Shuler, saying he’ll eliminate about 80 percent of formal campaigning until at least half of the Republican leaders in the 15 counties in the 11th Congressional District commit to core party principles.

"I’m not going to be doing any fundraising or advertising—there won’t be any active campaigning for the Republican Party," Mumpower said this morning. "I’ll put things on hold until I get party officials to commit to the principles and to the process of holding elected officials accountable."

"Core party principles".  Apparently, Mumpower was particularly troubled by a recent vote in Congress to override President Bush’s veto of the Farm Bill.  (Even Elizabeth Dole voted to override).

Of course, there may be another reason why Mumpower is suspending his campaign.

He’s only got $906.90 cash on hand.  That can’t be good.