The Dem Delegate Issue Explained

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

This is as good as it gets for a graphical depiction of the Democratic contest, and how either candidate could win.  The hill is steeper for Hillary.

From the New York Times


My one gripe with the chart above is when it refers to either candidate getting 60% of the remaining delegates.  When it comes to voting margins, getting 60% means virtual blowouts in several states.  Ain’t gonna happen for either one.

UPDATE:  The Obama camp is denying the report — by no less than Tom Brokaw — that it is hoding a "secret cache" of 50 superdelegates.

RELATED:  By the way, even though Clinton won the popular vote in Texas, it looks like Obama actually will come away with more delegates from that state.

With all the back-and-forth over the delegates gained by Obama and Clinton in yesterday’s Texas primary, this word is just in from state Democratic officials.

Obama could pick up a net gain of three delegates, after all the dust settles.

Here’s how Dem officials say that’s possible:

Clinton won the popular vote, and could pick up as many as four delegates from that.

Obama appears to be winning the caucus voting on delegates, and could pick up as many as seven delegates there.

If that holds true, Obama would end up with three more Texas delegates than Clinton.

But we’re staying tuned for the final results, whenever they come out.