For The Record, I’ve Never Been To Australia

Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

Must be someone else:

More than 65,000 WA volunteers resisted a Sunday sleep-in to collect 520 tonnes of rubbish yesterday morning for the 19th Clean Up Australia Day.
Community groups and individual volunteers tended to rivers, bush and beaches to remove glass, drink cans, confectionery wrappers, cigarette butts and other discarded rubbish.
Clean Up Australia Day chairman Ian Kiernan used the day to congratulate the South Australian Government on becoming the first State to introduce a ban on all plastic bags by the end of the year.
He called for a national plastic bag ban and public recycling systems to address waste problems Australia-wide.
Mr Templeman said about $16 million was spent cleaning up litter every year and called on people to dob in litterbugs. About 2500 fines were issued in 2006-2007.
Down at Minim Cove park in Mosman Park, about 30 people helped fill a skip bin with rubbish and weeds from surrounding bush.
Ken Ashford dug out century plants which are not native to area.
“It is great to see so many people out and about,” he said.
“It shows that we don’t just whinge to the government to do things, we too don’t mind getting our hands dirty for the good of the community.
“I would like to see local governments plan days like this quarterly and get even more people involved.”

Don’t know what "whinge" means.  Probably sounds cool when it’s said with an Aussie accent.