From Our New Hampshire Correspondent

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

At last the big day is here!  Obama is going to have a BIG victory but the question there is whether or not Edwards can beat out Clinton (probably not but it could happen).  The interesting development is that a lot of the independent voters who were going to vote for McCain now are jumping on the Obama bandwagon so McCain is no longer a clear winner.  And Huckabee could finish 3rd which would be a "win" for him.  It has been a zoo around here the past few days with busloads of young people on the streets with signs and chants – we’ll be glad to see things get back to normal but this has been fun.

[Other stuff]

Okay, I’m off to the polls.

Love you,


As "our correspondent" suggests, the number to watch when all is said and done is where independent voters ended up.  If they went Democratic (Obama or whoever), that’s very very bad news for Republicans in the long run.  Independents are going to be the key factor in the general election next November.

[She also reports that the Concord Community Players is doing "The Full Monty", which is great for them]