Yup, prayer.
Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, told Fox News that Democrats “seemingly hope that it comes here, and kills millions of people so that they could end Donald Trump’s streak of winning.”
No elected official, Democratic or otherwise, have said any such thing. Some Democrats — and some Republicans — have, however, been critical of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus. Republican Sen. Richard Shelby and Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have both called on the administration to spend more to combat the virus, for example.
Despite this, on Sunday, Vice President Mike Pence — who is in charge of the White House’s efforts to deal with the outbreak — defended the president’s son’s remarks as “understandable.”
And when you have a president who says things like this…
Here’s Trump at his rally tonight in South Carolina dismissing worries about the coronavirus as the “new hoax” pic.twitter.com/Q58d7dI1cb
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 29, 2020
… Democats NEED to push back.
Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!
— U.S. Surgeon General (@Surgeon_General) February 29, 2020
They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!
Here’s some silver lining for China. As manufacturing plummets….

… so is the pollution

You can add New York state and Florida (presumptive positives) to this list. New cases coming in fast. we can expect more U.S. states and countries to announce new cases in the coming days. https://t.co/cPI2Wd2F9q
— Josh Michaud (@joshmich) March 2, 2020
• First coronavirus case in sub-Saharan Africa confirmed in Nigeria
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) March 2, 2020
• Highest number of deaths outside China is Iran, at 54
• Over 89,000 cases worldwide pic.twitter.com/YvvRRXNcE8
Significant #COVID19 activity in Europe:
— Isaac Bogoch (@BogochIsaac) March 1, 2020
-France and Switzerland are banning large gatherings
-The Louvre is closed, conferences cancelled
-Over 1100 reported cases in Italy with 29 deaths
-Spain, UK, Germany, others with more caseshttps://t.co/dTwC5NP3b2
Second US #COVID19 death: a Seattle-area man in his 70s https://t.co/ouQCpKIOOW
— Dr. Tara C. Smith (@aetiology) March 2, 2020
Why working out the #coronavirus death rate is “PHD-level hard” – by the BBC’s head of stats @robertcuffe https://t.co/nE1IAuszDV
— BBC Reality Check (@BBCRealityCheck) March 2, 2020
BREAKING: France confirms 61 new cases of coronavirus and 1 new death, raising total to 191 cases and 3 deaths https://t.co/eUoE2b20hL
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) March 2, 2020
And what is this all about?
The fact that there is nowhere to see how many cases the US has tested and that the @CDCgov has suddenly hidden this number without explanation is infuriating and inexcusable https://t.co/Z9a5djoX3o
— Steve Lookner (@lookner) March 2, 2020
King County, Washington is also setting up modular housing for coronavirus patients to be isolated & recover https://t.co/PJMfsHwwbY
— Steve Lookner (@lookner) March 2, 2020
Columbia University virologist Angela Rasmussen on the estimate that two percent of the people who are infected with the coronavirus will die:
That could certainly change. The China CDC published a report in which they looked at like 45,000 patients and calculated that case fatality rate based on that. Prior to that, the fatality rate was being estimated at around 2 or 3 percent. So that is one of the numbers that has remained fairly consistent. My personal opinion, though, is that the case fatality rate could actually be much lower if there’s a bunch of mild cases that we’re not being able to test for.
….We know that once we get past about age 50 or 60, that case fatality rate starts increasing. It’s 0.1 percent or 0.2 percent for people, I think, through age 49. And then ages 50 through 59 goes up to 1 percent. Then it goes up to like 3 percent [for patients in their 60s and 70s] and then it goes, age 80-plus, to like 14 percent case-fatality rate. It really depends on the population that the virus is affecting. Also people with preexisting conditions also have a higher case fatality rate. So that would be like heart disease, diabetes, and asthma.
On what to do if you start to feel sick:
It’s still flu season. I would treat this same way we would treat the flu. Don’t freak out….And if you really do need care, then you should definitely seek it out. You shouldn’t wait until you’re, like, dying of pneumonia before going to the doctor.
….The good news is that because in the majority of patients it’s mild, what we should be telling people is that if you are in a low risk group, you don’t have to rush the hospital. You should stay home and recover. So that the hospitals are not going to be overburdened with, with otherwise healthy people, when they need to be using their resources for treating the people who are likely to have more severe illness….The virus, I’m not as worried about. I’m much more worried about what people’s reaction is going to be — and how our public health system is going to be handling them.
On previous pandemics:
I don’t remember people being this crazy during the 2009 flu pandemic. That had a much higher case fatality rate in some communities — from four up to almost 20 percent. So in that sense, this virus isn’t that different from other pandemic viruses that we’ve dealt with before.
The best thing you can do is wash your hands frequently. Soap breaks down the lipid membrane that surrounds the coronavirus and kills it. Hand sanitizers also work as long as they’re 60 percent alcohol or higher.
We’re up to…5 now?
BREAKING: Washington state health officials announce 3 new coronavirus deaths
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 2, 2020
2. These #Covide19 deaths are tragic, but sadly not surprising. The virus got into a long-term care facility there. The cases from yesterday are mainly of an age & health status that makes them very vulnerable. pic.twitter.com/VkXcbE57da
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) March 2, 2020
Correction it is SIX. 5 in King County and 1 in Snohomish.
— Naveed Jamali (@NaveedAJamali) March 2, 2020