COVID-19 Self-Isolation: Day 3

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

As of 9:45 a.m.:

US at 6,510 cases; 114 deaths. West Virginia, the last state to be case-free, now has one case.

North Carolina at 66 cases; no deaths.

Stock market down 1,150 as of 9:45 am.

And…. half an hour or so ago…. Salt Lake City, UT just had a 5.7 earthquake. No reports of injuries.

Trump seems to be focused on other things:

… and the usual gaslighting about his attentiveness to this.

But here we are…. the new normal. And uncertainty about how long it lasts.

Fox News is getting hammered for its turnabout of late:

Hillary — just now:

Update on earthquake in Utah:

UPDATE: 1:00 pm — Trump and Co give a press conference announcing some new initiatives like hospital ships and invoking the Defense Production Act, which would force American industry to manufacture medical supplies. But as this happens the Dow hit another circuit breaker as it plunges down 1660.63 (7.82%). It is at 19,576… far below when Trump took office.

This also happened:

Trump also used his platform to attack Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The president pivoted to the election after a reporter observed that his “credibility rating” had taken a hit over his response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump replied by pivoting to the 2020 election.

“I see that they’re very high,” the president said, insisting that “95% of the Republican Party” backs him.

“We just had a poll that was done by a very reputable group where I’m beating sleepy Joe Biden by a lot in the state of Florida,” he continued. “And in other states. So, I don’t really know who you’re talking about.”

UPDATE: The Dow dropped 1,338.46 points, or 6.3%, today and clinched its first close below 20,000 since February 2017. The Dow was down more than 2,300 points at the lows of the session. The S&P 500 dropped 5.2% to 2,398.10 and closed nearly 30% below a record set last month as both indexes sank further into bear markets.