Books Aren’t Dead

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

…they’re just digital.

And were it not for the ridiculous price tag of $400, I would probably be getting a Kindle, Amazon’s new wireless reading device, which some are dubbing "the iPod of reading". 

It weighs less than a paperback, but on it you can read any digital book (88,000 currently available).  You can also subscribe to top U.S. newspapers and weekly magazines which are auto-delievered.  Blogs too.  It holds up to 200 books.

Best of all, it uses "electronic ink", which is a fancy way of saying there is no backlight, and therefore, no eyestrain.


Not too shabby.  Newsweek does a mammoth story on Kindle (shorter version: they love it).

Now all that need is a text-to-speech converter, and I’m in heaven.