Yet Even More On The Right Wing Attacks On The Frosts

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

The Baltimore Sun covers it.

It has a nice picture of the Frosts in front of their home, which conservative bloggers (attacking them as rich fat cats) say is worth $400,000.


From the article:

Bonnie Frost was driving children Zeke, Graeme and Gemma in Baltimore County in December 2004 when the family SUV hit a patch of black ice and slammed into a tree. Graeme sustained a brain stem injury; Gemma suffered a cranial fracture.

The family relied on SCHIP during the more than five months that the children were hospitalized. Graeme had to learn again to walk and talk, his parents say; he remains weak on his left side and speaks with a lisp. Gemma is blind in her left eye; she has difficulty with memory, learning and speech, and sees a behavioral psychologist to help her deal with her frustration.

"Her personality has changed," Bonnie Frost said yesterday. "She’s not the same girl."

Bonnie and Gemma Frost joined Pelosi at the Capitol Hill news conference before the SCHIP vote. Then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asked Graeme to record the radio address.

It was the news coverage of that broadcast that set off the blogo- sphere. A pseudonymous contributor to Free Republic cataloged the $20,000 cost of tuition at the Park School, the $160,000 Halsey Frost paid for his warehouse in 1999 and the $485,000 for which a neighbor sold his home in March. Links were provided to photos of the Park School’s 44,000-square- foot Wyman Arts Center and the Frosts’ 1992 wedding announcement in The New York Times.

Soon strangers were posting accusatory messages describing Halsey Frost as a business owner who lived on a street of half-million-dollar homes, worked out of his own commercial property and paid to send his children to private school, yet still took advantage of government-funded health care.

The article includes a comment from the blog Red State, and it’s typical of the kinds of comments I’ve seen emanating from the right blogosphere:

"Hang ’em. Publically," the contributor wrote. "Let ’em twist in the wind and be eaten by ravens. Then maybe the bunch of socialist patsies will think twice."

And another:

"If federal funds were required [they] could die for all I care. Let the parents get second jobs, let their state foot the bill or let them seek help from private charities. … I would hire a team of PIs and find out exactly how much their parents made and where they spent every nickel. Then I’d do everything possible to destroy their lives with that info."

And all because their kid Graeme made a radio address speaking out in favor of SCHIP, which allowed him to get health care his brain injury.