Heckuva Jobs

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Okay, well.  It’s old news now that Alberto is resigning.  I have nothing to say about that, other than it is waaaay too late.

The thing about Gonzalez is that he should not have been there in the first place.  He got the position because he was one of Bush’s boys back in Texas.  It’s that cronyism thing…. again.  Bush picks loyalists — not people necessarily qualified.

So with AG on the way out, it looks like Department of Homeland Security Chief Mike Chertoff will be the new Attorney General.  But who will replace Chertoff at the DHS???

Yup.  It looks like another Bush loyalist — another person uniquely unqualified for the job: a guy named Clay Johnson.  Here’s his White House bio:

Clay Johnson is the Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget. The Deputy Director for Management provides government-wide leadership to Executive Branch agencies to improve agency and program performance. Prior to this he was the Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel, responsible for the organization that identifies and recruits approximately 4000 senior officials, middle management personnel and part-time board and commission members.

From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Johnson worked with Governor George W. Bush in Austin, first as his Appointments Director, then as his Chief of Staff, and then as the Executive Director of the Bush-Cheney Transition.

Mr. Johnson has been the Chief Operating Officer for the Dallas Museum of Art and the President of the Horchow and Neiman Marcus Mail Order companies. He also has worked for Citicorp, Wilson Sporting Goods and Frito Lay.

He received his undergraduate degree from Yale University and a Masters degree from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. In Austin, he helped create the Texas State History Museum, and was also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas Graduate School of Business. In Dallas, he served as President of the Board of Trustees for St. Marks School of Texas, and as a Board Member of Equitable Bankshares, Goodwill Industries of Dallas, and the Dallas Chapter of the Young Presidents Organization.

See anything in the official bio that relates to immigration, air travel security, disaster response, and other aspects of our nation’s homeland defense?

No, me neither.  Oh, yeah — Johnson also attended Andover and Yale with George W. Bush and was one of Bush’s DKE fraternity brothers.

UPDATE: Hmm.  Maybe it won’t be Chertoff.