….Bothered and Bewildered

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

200pxbewitched_introToil and trouble in Salem, Mass:

A self-proclaimed high priestess of Salem witches and a second person were accused of tossing raccoon parts on the doorsteps of businesses, allegedly as part of a Wiccan community feud.

A self-proclaimed high priestess of Salem witches and a second person were accused of tossing raccoon parts on the doorsteps of businesses, allegedly as part of a Wiccan community feud.


A witness, Richard Watson, told police he accompanied Graham, Purtz and other people when they put the raccoon remains on the doorsteps. He said Graham hoped to frame a Wiccan businessman who had fired Graham from a psychic telephone business last spring.

Watson also said Graham had a disagreement with the owners of the two targeted businesses over proposed regulations that would limit the number of psychics who come to the city during the Halloween season. He said he was told the group had found the raccoon dead.

The animal desecration was also witnessed by the nosy next-door neighbor, Mrs. Gladys Kravitz.  "I was hiding behind the curtains with my nose sticking out," said a visibly-shaken Mrs. Kravitz.  "I saw the whole thing.  There’s always strange things going on over there."