That’s Some Protective God You Got There, Judge Roy Moore

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

"Judge"* Roy Moore:

That same providential God has sustained America through two world wars, the Cold War and several other conflicts around the world. Through economic depressions, natural disasters, acts of terrorism and political strife, He has been our strength and stability. Only blocks away from where Washington gave that first Inaugural Address, terrorists brought down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 2001. On the same day, Congress assembled on the steps of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., to ask God that He grant favor to our nation.

Although we face new and seemingly insurmountable difficulties in the world today, we can look with assurance and hope to that power Who protected and defended us in our past

…through two world wars, the Cold War, several other conflicts around the world, economic depression, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and political strife.

*  He was removed from office as Chief Justice of the State of Alabama for refusing to a Ten Commandments monument he had placed in the Alabama courthouse, but he still apparently likes the title.