The GOP/RNC Response To Hillary’s Trump-Blasting Speech? Nada

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

Any other election year, if the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee gave a speech blasting the foreign policy — and the temperament to run foreign policy — of the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, you would see talking points memos and pundits flood the media outlets in a severe backlash.

Trump responded with a tweet.

And the rest of the GOP?


Yeah, RNC chair Reince Priebus criticized Clinton yesterday, but the time stamp shows it happened before the speech, and he did nothing after it.

On the RNC’s website, there is no defense of Trump. Nothing on their press release page. And, amazingly, go to their home page, and Trump is mentioned NOWHERE. There is nothing, anywhere.

Republican National Committee   GOP

Is this a bad ground game by the Republican party?  Or are they just not going to get close to Trump this year?

Maybe it is not that unusual.  I went to the Wayback Machine and poked around in June of 2012.  And there was nothing on Romney.  I guess they wait until after the convention.  But still… not mentioning Trump is one thing.  Failing to do a point-by-point dissection of Hillary’s speech is another.

Their heart isn’t it, maybe.