A Mini-Blogswarm: Amy and Joe

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Tdy_lauer_amyfisher_041001300wI was surprised to see that several hundred people have visited my site in the past hour — I couldn’t understand why.  And they were visiting this page, of all places.

Then I figured it out.  Amy Fisher, the "Long Island Lolita" — back in 1992 — shot the wife of her lover (Joey Buttafuoco) in the face.  After serving jail time, she got out, and the two of them have been mini-celebrities of the trailer park trash variety.  Both Joey and Amy have since remarried….


Both of them separated from their spouses and filed for divorceon the same day — creating speculation of a Joey-Amy reunion.

And if you do a google search of "fisher buttafuoco reunion" (as I’m sure many people are), guess whose site is right up there?  So that explains the mini-blogswarm….