Jerry On The Front Lines Of The War On Christmas

Ken AshfordGodstuff1 Comment

Jerry Falwell has a list (PDF format) of companies which are ‘naughty’ and ‘nice’ re: the War on Christmas.  For example, here’s what the list says about "naughty" Eddie Bauer:


Yes, that’s how we should celebrate Christmas, the birthday of the greatest Jew ever — by calling people "naughty" simply for their sensitivity to Jews and others.

Some of Jerry’s judgments are simply based on arbitrary assessments.  Here’s what it says about Staples:


Well, I couldn’t find the page Jerry was supposedly looking at.  Maybe this?   But clearly, Staples sells cards which say "Christmas" on them, you pompous lying ass, as well as religious cards for the season.

And is Staples supposed to put "Christmas" on every webpage?  Look here, Jerry.

Jeez, Jerry.