Recommended Reading

Ken AshfordBush & Co., War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

  • Chris Kelly talks about the movie Stalag 17 and the Geneva Conventions
  • Bush: The Worst President In U.S. History?  Douglas Brinkley opens the discussion ("yes") and is joined by Columbia Historian Eric Foner, who echos the sentiment; Bob Cessna weighs in — of course, The Rolling Stone addressed this months ago
  • Why is everyone writing about the use of the word "cunt" and other sexual obscenities?
  • It’s against the law to have sex with an animal, unless that animal is dead.  So says one judge, presiding over a case in which the defendent was busted for having intimate relations with a dead deer.  In finding the man innocent, the judge gives the quote of the day: "As Billy Crystal noted in The Princess Bride (1987), "There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead."