Does This Sound “Fair And Balanced” To You?

Ken AshfordRight Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

HuffPo obtained an internal Fox memo written by the network’s Vice President of news. The memo details Fox’s game plan the day Democrats won control of both the Senate and the House.  Here’s an excerpt.  Pay special attention to the emphasizd statements and see if you can see a hint of bias — I’m betting you can:

The elections and Rumsfeld’s resignation were a major event, but not the end of the world. The war on terror goes on without interruption. Jennifer Griffin sent in info on Hamas’ call for attacks on American interests. And let’s on the lookout for any statements from the Iraqi insurgents, who must be thrilled at the prospect of a Dem-controlled congress.

The question of the day, and indeed for the rest of bush’s term, is: What’s the Dem plan for Iraq? THis could be a very short live shot for Jim Angle, but he’ll try.

In the House, the newly empowered Dems will shed some fraternal blood before settling in. Murtha will challenge HOyer for the leadership. A former hawk v. a political hack. Garrett will observe.

We’ll continue to work the Hamas threat to the US that came hours after the election results. Griffin and Tobin will include in their lives. Just because Dems won, the war on terror isn’t over.

This type of thing shouldn’t surprise anyone, but there are still those out there who insist that Fox News really is "fair and balanced".  Odd.

FLASHBACK TO JUNE 2006:  The Fox London bureau chief said this in the Wall Street Journal European edition:

Even we at Fox News manage to get some lefties on the air occasionally, and often let them finish their sentences before we club them to death and feed the scraps to Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly.

Yup, nothing to see here. No bias at all.