Your One-Stop All-Purpose Zombie Post

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

ZpromZombie Prom

I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Theatre Alliance’s Zombie Prom on Thursday.  It was fantastic.

For those not familar with the muscial, the plot is simple.  Girl meets boy.  Boy kills himself in nuclear suicide.  Boy comes back as zombie.  Boy and girl get back together again.  School authorities ban zombie from the prom.  Boy and girl go to prom anyway.  It’s Grease meets Footloose meets Night Of The Living Dead.

In other words, it’s stupid fun, with a special emphasis on fun.

The Theatre Alliance production of "Zombie Prom" started off with energetic silliness and never let up.  There simply was no weak moment in the entire show.  The ensemble cast — on stage for most of the show in various roles — all had wonderful comic timing and each managed to stand out in their own unique way.  And they did it while singing and tapping.  In fact, if I could see the show again, I would go just to look at them — there were all kinds of things that I know I missed.

The leads were absolutely perfect.  Gray Smith played the strict and aptly-named Delilah Strict, the evil schoolteacher who was the nemesis to the youthful love affair between teeny bopper Toffee and Jonny (Toffee’s zombie boyfriend).  I always knew Gray could sign and dance; I didn’t realize he could do both in high heels.

Jonny (Jay Smith), the rebel zombie who spells is name without an "h", had a terrific voice and a wonderful presence which shined through his green body paint.  John Bennett was fantastic as Eddie Flagrante, the roving yellow journalist intent on bringing Jonny’s story to light.

But for me, this was Emily Mark (who played Toffee) at her finest — again.  A gifted singer and actress, she never ceases to blow me away.  She’s hot, too.  To demonstrate the impact she has — after the show, I was talking with a gay (male) friend, and a (straight) female friend, and we arguing with each other as to who was in love with Emily the most.  (In my opinion, I won that debate).  That’s the kind of performer Emily is — after seeing her, everybody wants to make out with her.  But seriously — even in the silliest roles, Emily can knock your socks with her voice, as she did with the showstopping "Easy To Say".  That, and the Flagrante-Strict tango duet ("Expose") were two of the three highlights of the night.

The third highlight was a pure Jamie Lawson creation — a curtain call that served as an homage to great horror film villians.  Done in a fast-paced Benny Hill style chase — but with hip-hop and dancing and lights and special effects — the audience was treated to the likes of Frankenstein, Jason, Freddy Kruger, Hannibal Lector, Carrie, and the girl from Poltergeist — just to name a few.  It was a three-ring circus of fun and fear, a capper to a fantastic night at the theater.

Sadly, if you didn’t see it, you’re out of luck, because Zombie Prom closed this weekend.  But not to worry – they’ll be a movie version soon.

How To Date A Zombie

Zkearly2It is becoming increasingly difficult for the libidinous Deathhacker to find someone to go out on that hot date. It seems like all the good ones are either being torn apart by their entrails or lumbering around as the cannibalistic undead. Even in the best of times, it was hard to find a compatible partner — now, it sometimes seems impossible! But wait — why not date the dead? That’s what many prospective necrophiles are asking themselves.

The answer: no reason at all! Here’s some tips we’ve collected on how to find that special undead someone.

Don’t be hemmed in by your own sex appeal. Dating the walking dead means never being not good enough for someone. That dashing, lantern-jawed Gucci model you see sometimes at Starbucks? The sultry sylph at your office with the wiggle in her walk? While asking them out before Z-Day would have resulted in them pointing you and hysterically guffawing while pantomiming vomiting sounds in the back of their throat, who’s laughing now? They’re dead and you’re alive. That means you’re the hottie.

Their lips may scream "Brainsssss!" but their eyes say "Yes!" Easily lure your new lover to your bedroom with a piece of meat. Then chain them to the wall like you’d always planned to do if you’d ever gotten a boyfriend or girlfriend in real life. Remember: dead girls don’t say no!

Just because they’re zombies doesn’t mean you can’t have romance. Although taking bubble baths together is right out, there’s still lots of romantic things you can do with your new sweetie. As rigor mortis sets in, your lover will appreciate a sensuous massage. A heart shaped candy box filled with pulsating morsels of raw human flesh is the perfect gift to show you care — if you can’t find a heart-shaped candy box, how about just a heart? Languid walks on the beach can be accomplished with a leather collar attached to a sturdy ten foot pole. And the zombie apocalypse is the perfect opportunity to have that obnoxious in-law over for dinner!

Dress him the way you want! There’s no reason your undead beau or belle has to walk around in the slimy, beetle-infested tatters of a garbage man’s uniform, or in that gore-soaked ballerina’s costume. The zombie apocalypse is the perfect reason to do what you’ve always wanted to do for your living significant others anyway: transform them into giant, sexually-active Barbie and Ken dolls! Now you can transform Joe Shlub into James Bond or Mousy Miss into Slutty Catholic Schoolgirl.

No Frenching. This one really should be obvious, but we’ve heard enough Deathhackers sloppily gurgling about this through mouthfuls of bloody soup to pass on a word of warning. Obviously, no matter how great the attachment between you and your loved one, you need to keep away from teeth and claws. Many necrophiles have recommended bringing your lover to the local dentist and having the teeth taken out. But why pay so much money for something you can do at home for free? Simply put your lover’s head in a garage vice and take them out with a hammer or pair of pliers! Your lips will thank you!

Like real lovers, the undead are disposable. Sick of your sweetie’s midnight gaseous emissions? Weary of a monotonous sex life that always seems to end with you feeling ashamed and filthy? Is your lover’s personal cleanliness becoming an issue? Remember, just like dating a living person, an undead lover is an emotionless meat puppet, disposable the moment you’ve satisfied your base and selfish urges… but unlike the living, you can just kick them out of bed, shoot them in the head, then go out and get yourself another! Finally, an end to messy break-ups!

Miscellaneous Zombism

How to look like a zombie

Use Google Maps to track zombies in your area