The brainiacs at Mental Floss have a new feature: Thingamajig Thursdays:
The idea here is that I’ll be taking a close look at some interesting thingamajig – or thingamabob, if you prefer – and letting you know the real name for it so you can appear a tad smarter than the next guy, who’s still foolishly calling the thingamajig a thingamajig.
So far, they’ve done aglets (the metal or plastic thingamajig at the end of your shoelace), the whammy bar (the thingamajig on an electric guitar that makes it go "waaah"), marshalling wands (those orange lighted cone-shaped thingamajigs that grounds crews hold in each hand at airports to tell the planes where to park), The Brannock Device (that metal thingamajig that measures your foot, commonplace in every shoe store in the world), and rowels (those pinwheel thingamajigs that spin at the back of a cowboy’s boots).
Today’s Thursday Thingamajig are those rubber finger pad thingamajigs that you wear on your finger in the office when you are turning (or counting) pages. Guess what they’re called?
Rubber Finger Pads.
So Mental Floss is opening the floor, inviting people to contribute their own name.