A self-improvement website called 43things.com urges visitors to contribute a list of 43 things they want to do with their live. To date, over 600,000 have contributed their list. And here are the top items:
Stop procrastinating 11615 people
Drink more water 7309 people
Take more pictures 6598 people
Save money 5554 people
Read more books 5120 people
Exercise regularly 4023 people
Eat healthier 3923 people
Wake up when my alarm clock goes off 3759 people
Quit Smoking 3555 people
Spend less time fooling around on the net and more time actually working 3258 people
Have better posture 3201 people
Stop biting my nails 3146 people
Exercise more 2338 people
Get more sleep 2231 people
Never stop learning 2154 people
Worry less. 2092 people
Finish what I start 2075 people
Practice Yoga 1951 people
Stop wasting time 1924 people
Volunteer 1873 people
Meditate daily 1775 people
Write more 1753 people
Stop caring what other people think of me 1548 people
Be a better person 1547 people