Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordDemocratsLeave a Comment

"I am sick of Karl Rove’s bullshit."Bill Clinton in the latest New Yorker.

Sadly, the New Yorker doesn’t have the interview in its online version, but apparently that’s what the Big Dog actually said.

Other Clinton quotes from the article:

  • Clinton on the Kerry campaign: "Like a deer caught in the headlights."
  • Clinton on watching the World Cup Final in Berlin: "I’m totally psyched for this."
  • Clinton on the vote to go into Iraq: "I’m sick and tired of being told that if you voted for authorization you voted for the war. It was a mistake, and I would have made it, too….The administration did not shoot straight on the nuclear issue or on Saddam’s supposed ties to Al Qaeda prior to 9/11.
  • Clinton on the Bush administration: "It just makes me mad…I just wish I were there trying to articulate an alternative vision."