Something Which May Make MySpace Bearable

Ken AshfordWeb Recommendations1 Comment

There are a lot of reasons I hate Myspace, but mostly I hate the idea of it.  It’s like one huge crowded online pickup bar, except with tacky decor, no booze, and a high school cafeteria mentality.  It’s easy to understand why college students abandon Myspace and go to something like Facebook.  And why adults prefer Blogger or Typepad or LiveJournal.

I mean — sure, it’s nice to visit "friends" on Myspace — if you have to — but it’s all the same.

Sure, some people try to individualize the "look" of their Myspace space, but mostly what you end up looking at (assuming you can navigate through to their space) is tiny unreadable words against a LOUD backdrop. 

People, people, people — you don’t need to take a class in website design to know what is and isn’t crappy looking.  If you want me to visit your Myspace, make it an enjoyable experience for me — don’t throw buckets of flashing neon pixels in my face.  It gives me seizures.

Fortunately, there may be a solution.  This program, a script for Greasemonkey, removes all the "style sheets’ that Myspace users force on you.  Instead, everything appears in Myspace’s bland (but readable) default style.

Unfortunately, Greasemonkey is an add-on program for the Firefox browser, and not Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.  Still, it’s a step in the right direction.