Necessity Is The Mother Of Silly Inventions

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Take a gander at some of the stupid inventions that people have come with over at the Delphion Gallery Of Obscure Patents.  Here’s some of my favorite patents actually filed with the U.S. Patent Office:

Us05356330__ US05356330
Apparatus for simulating a ‘high five’

…providing the user with a convenient outlet for the release of excitement.

Motorized ice cream cone

…for imparting rotation upon the cup and rotationally feeding its contents against a person’s outstretched tongue.

Us05830035__ US05830035
Toe puppet

…mounted on a single human digit for providing animated motion of a figurine

Us05523741__ US05523741
Santa Claus Detector

… Christmas Stocking device useful for visually signalling the arrival of Santa Claus …