Bush Doctrine Explained

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

World O’Crap introduces us to Mark Noonan, who writes:

President Bush is, indeed, a rebel – and his cause is peace. His critics don’t understand it, but President Bush figured out that the only sure path to peace in the world is to make the largest number of free people possible. The elite believes that peace is made by negotiations and supra-national organizations…but peace is really made by free people too busy getting on with their own lives to bother about attacking other free people doing ditto. This isn’t rocket science, but it is something that the overly nuanced and intellectualoid elite could not grasp – mostly because a peace created by free people is a peace which doesn’t need elitists to gather at swank places around the world to negotiate grand settlements of outstanding problems.

Bush plan:

1.  Invade Iraq

2.  ???

3.  Create lots of free people

4.  Peace!

Like Mark said, it isn’t rocket science.