Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite

Ken AshfordHealth CareLeave a Comment

They’re making a comeback:

Absent from the U.S. for so long that some thought they were a myth, bedbugs are back.

Include me as one of those who thought they were fictional.

Entomologists and pest control professionals are reporting a dramatic increase in infestations throughout the country, and no one knows exactly why.


Bedbugs are tiny brownish, flattened insects that feed exclusively on the blood of animals and humans. Their bites may cause itchy red welts or swelling.

Unlike mosquitoes, though, they are not known to transmit blood-borne diseases from one victim to another. They are extremely resilient and very difficult to exterminate. Experts say bedbugs are not necessarily an indicator of unsanitary conditions.

In the past four years, reports of bedbugs have significantly increased in U.S. cities, from New York to Honolulu, especially in hotels, hospitals and college dormitories – all places with high resident turnover.

The National Pest Management Association, which represents many of the country’s pest control companies, says the number of bedbug reports have increased fivefold in four years.