Soundbites From The Right

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

(1) Judie Brown at Renew America:

But when it comes to avoiding pregnancy, there is a simple solution: A woman can avoid sexual contact with members of the opposite sex.

Um, okay.  Hot lesbian action works for me.

(2) Marie Jon Apostrophe at Renew America:

The Iraqi people are grateful for the United States and our magnificent troops. We freed the citizens of Iraq from the despotic reign of Saddam.

Yay!!!  And now they can openly support terrorist organizations like Hezbollah!  Pandora’s box anyone?

(3) Ann Coulter interview, posted at The Conservative Voice:

Q: Does Hillary Clinton have a good chance in 2008? What are her strengths and weaknesses? What did her reaction to your "Jersey girls" comments tell you about her as a potential candidate?

Ann: Good chance of what? Coming out of the closet? I’d say that’s about even money.

Ladies and gentleman, we have a trifecta!  First, she called Bill Clinton a "latent homosexual", then she called Al Gore a "total fag", and now she completes the triangle by insinuating that Hillary is a closet lesbian.

(4)  Another conservative columnist does the "Mel Gibson… but…" dance.  This time it’s Brett Bozell at Townhall, and he does it twice in a remarkable column that urges readers not to be judgmental (except for….)

Gibson’s remarks were disgraceful. But is Gibson now to be disgraced? And who is qualified to make that judgment?


Gibson’s statements were awful, and deserved condemnation. But the anti-Catholic bigotry raging in Hollywood is far worse.