The Meaning Of Mel

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

S.Z. at World O’ Crap does all the research and work; I just steal. 

Largely due to The Passion of the Christ, as well as his macho movies that distort history (The Patriot, When We Were Soldiers), Mel became the darling of the right-wing, including a grassroots push to have him be President.  S.Z. now takes a look at the right-wing reaction to Mel Gibson’s Malibu meltdown. 

First, from Townhall, here’s Cal Thomas with “Mel’s night out.”

Summary: Sure, what Mel said was horrible, but what’s even horribler is that all of Hollywood is prejudiced against Jews – and by Jews, I mean Christians.


Now, here’s Mona Charen’s effort, “Mad Mel?

Summary: Sure, what Mel said was awful, but what’s awfuler is that Hollywood is full of liberals – and liberals are all anti-Semites.  In fact, the Jewish ones are the worst of all!


Also from Townhall, it’s “The new anti-Semitism” by Linda Chavez.

Summary: Sure, what Mel said was bad and stuff, but if you object to the Bush administration’s war policies, then you are a worse anti-Semite than Hitler.


Now, from RenewAmerica, it’s “Where is the passion of compassion?” by Jonathan Flora, an “award-winning producer” who also makes commercials.

Summary: Sure, Mel’s actions are inexcusable, but we should excuse them anyway, because like the Good Book says, we are all sinners, drunk drivers, and anti-Semites. Anyway, we owe Mel big time for making The Passion of the Christ, so we should forgive him of anything, up to and including sacrificing babies to Ba’al.


Now, here’s Catholic lawyer Michael J. Gaynor, with “Abe Foxman did not miss the second opportunity.”

Summary:  What Mel said wasn’t all that bad. Anyway, even if he did make some intemperate remarks, it was the Jews’ fault for killing our Lord.


Lastly, here’s “Love letters from the left,” by young Christian Hartsock.

Summary:  Forget Mel Gibson – the REAL Christian martyr around here is Christian, who received some uncomplimentary email about his goofy columns.

I’ve heavily edited S.Z.’s column.  You should read the whole thing — and follow the links.