Funny Video Of The Day

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

There’s one thing that conservatives and liberals agree on: Fred Phelps and his group are the most incidious people on the planet.

Fred Phelps, if you don’t know, is the pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church.  He first came to national attention with his protests in Laramie, Wyoming following the murder of Matthew Shepard, as immortalized in the play and film "The Laramie Project".

He and his flock have a single message: God hates gays, and the war in Iraq is punishment for America’s embrace of "fagdom". 

How do they get this message out?  They attend the funerals of fallen soldiers, and scream epithets at the mourners.


Recently, the Phelps group was down here in Greensboro, with another protest.  An Australian "reporter" talked to one of protesters, and then . . . came on to him ("You know, you’ve got a really firm butt").

Watch the results: