The Only Argument You Need To Know About Embryonic Stem Cells

Ken AshfordHealth CareLeave a Comment

From Ezra Klein:

Embryonic Stem Cell lines come from material stored at fertility clinics which is already slated for destruction. Preventing these blastocysts from being used for research won’t ‘save’ them. It simply means they’ll be disposed of in a medical waste facility instead of being used to find cures for disease. The only reason to restrict federal approval of new lines is to appeal to a minority of extremist social conservatives and it comes at the cost of possibly delaying or denying treatment–and in some cases life itself–to millions of people.

Understand that graf, as no single point is more important in the moral argument: these blastocysts would be destroyed anyway. Not a single life is spared, or saved, in the barring of stem cell research. But in delaying possible cures and treatments, an untold number will be lost.

Now, if you consider yourself a member of the "party of life", where else can you come down on this issue other than supporting embryonic stem cell research?

Heck, and if facts don’t convince you about the prudence of using stem cells to cure disease, how about celebrity endorsements?  I mean, are you really going to disagree with Mary Tyler Moore?