Faux Outrage

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

The GOP/Bush outrage against the New York Times for supposedly spilling anti-terrorist operational secrets is bullshit.

Back in 2002, the United States Customs Office was openly talking about Operation Green Quest, a program to track the financial programs of would-be terrorists. 

In fact, the government published a pamphlet about it.

In fact, the pamphlet went into greater detail than the New York Times article. It gives a list of the kinds of financial transactions that are "red flag" indicators that terrorist money is moving around.

If the New York Times is committing treason for revealing these "secrets" in 2006, why was it okay for the government to publish those secrets in greater detail four years ago?

You can see the actual government pamphlet here (PDF format).  It’s still on the U.S. Treasury Department website.  Take note of the date it was published.

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