A Soldier’s Salute

Ken AshfordConstitutionLeave a Comment

Ben Shapiro, not surprisingly, thinks that anyone who burns a flag hates America, and publicly desecrates the soldiers who fought to preserve that flag blah blah blah, which is why there should be a No Flag Burning Amendment giving the government more power and taking away liberties from, you know, the people.

A soldier comments on Ben’s article:

As an American serving in the Army for over 20 years I wear the American Flag on the right shoulder of my uniform everyday. I fly a flag respectfully in front of my house. When I recently returned from a year long deployment to Iraq, the first thing I saw when I got off the plane was USO and Red Cross volunteers holding flags. The site brought tears to my eyes and the thought of that sends chills up my spine today six months after the fact. I will also never forget the flag draped coffin and the folded flag given to the widow of one of my best friends who died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan last year. And I constantly look out over the field here on FT Stewart with over 200 trees and flags planted in memory of my fellow soldiers that died during our recent deployment. Of all the things I have been called unpatriotic is not one of them. I love the country that the flag is a symbol of and thought of desecrating that flag is about as repulsive an act of speech as I can imagine. It ranks right up there with the people protesting at military funerals or outside or veterans hospitals.

However, more important to me then the flag is the constitution. I have pledged my allegiance to the flag and to the Republic for which the flag stands, but it is the constitution that I swore to uphold and defend. The constitutional amendments that guarantee our right to protest are one of the freedoms that make our country a place worth sacrificing my life for. As repulsive as it is, flag burning is political "discourse" and it is a very bad precedent to offer amendments to something as good as our constitution that limit freedoms, especially ones that are so vital. The fact is in over 200 years since the ten amendments in the "bill of rights" were passed, less than another 20 amendments have been necessary. Again a document this good should not be tampered with lightly. While on most things I do not agree with the democrats or the liberal left, on this one they got it correct.

RELATED:  Speaking of soldiers, a marine who appeared in Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 was killed in Iraq.