Flag Amendment Fails

Ken AshfordConstitution, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Burn ’em if you got ’em.

Meanwhile, there’s delusions at the Corner.  John Podheretz to fellow Cornerite Jonah Goldberg:

Jonah, I also oppose the flag-burning amendment. But as a strictly Machiavellian matter, as a sheerly political stunt, you have to admit that it’s one of those peculiar gifts that keeps on giving. Republicans can bring it up every few years or so during an election year to torment Democrats and drive the New York Times and Jonathan Alter into a state of near-psychosis.

So, Republicans in Congress engage in a silly political stunt, trying to create an amendment that most people oppose — those Republicans then lose — and that is good for the GOP and bad for the Democrats?

What a wonderful happy bubble the Corner lives in.