Morons Can Use The Bible For Anything These Days

Ken AshfordForeign Affairs, Godstuff, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

I recently had a discussion with a friend, a born again Christian, the other day.  She tried to convince me that the Bible is THE TRUTH.  You know, with a capital "T".  She couldn’t say why it was THE TRUTH, because to question why is (apparently) some form of heresy.

Anyway, I came across this article which demonstrates (per my argument to her) that the Bible is full of metaphor, and can be interpreted to mean anything you want it to mean:

A Christian business consultant and writer in the Phoenix area has recently published some commentaries that deal with what the Bible says about illegal immigration and a nation’s response to that. He says he has found in his study and research that it isn’t just about compassion.

Steve Marr’s online commentaries are called "Business Proverbs." His syndicated radio program by the same name is heard on 1,000 radio outlets worldwide. According to Marr, the Bible supports the idea that nations have the right and responsibility to secure their borders.

Marr says many Christians, when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration, argue that compassion should rule the day because those immigrants have come simply seeking a better life. But the former president and CEO of a large import-export firm says even illegal aliens who have been in the U.S. for years and have built otherwise productive lives are still illegal aliens.

"To me it’s an issue of justice," Marr shares. "And if you break a law — whether it’s a drug law, whether it’s an immigration law or whether it’s robbing a bank — if you get caught, whether it’s in a day, a year or ten years, I think justice has to run it’s course."

Now, the Bible really says NOTHING about illegal immigration specifically.  But this dude makes it out like it does, even concluding that compassion in the area of immigration is UNChristian.

His argument is simple: laws are laws, and the Bible commands justice, which means Christians should support laws — including immigration laws.

Problem is, of course, that slavery was once the law, too.  Would this guy argue that Christianity supports slavery?