An Open Response To Marie Jon Apostrophe

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy4 Comments

Marie0601_2Seems I caught the attention of christian conservative columnist Marie Jon (or as she spells it, Marie Jon’) in response to my commentary about her recent column.

And yes, I checked it out.  It seems to be really  her.

You can read here full comment here, but I’ll parse it below:

MARIE: I’m so sorry. I had the wrong (Neville) name. It was corrected immediately.

Marie is referring to a passage of her column in which she was talking about "uninformed Americans".  In the course of making that point, she made reference to "Neabel Chamberlan".

Marie, as others have pointed out, it still isn’t correct.

MARIE: What do you do? Do you wait for my post and jump looking for one mistake? Seems to me that you do.

Clearly not, honey bear, because your post was written at least 24 hours before mine.

MARIE:  Where are your op-ed’s posted?

Well, right here.  Obviously.

MARIE: Would you like to edit my work ?

Lord knows you need an editor, but I’ll pass.  Thanks for the offer though!

MARIE:  Do not use the " F" word in the same line with my name. I just might call you a low life meatball.

And wouldn’t that ruin my day.

I believe the "F word" you refer to is "fuck".  It’s okay — you can say it.  The sky won’t fall, I promise you.  Besides, we all know what you’re talking about when you say "F word" anyway.

In any event, I didn’t use that word at all (a commenter did).  And even then, he didn’t use the word in the same line with your name.

But it’s okay.  This is why I’m here to help.

MARIE: Wingnut/You Meatball!

Did you win that argument with yourself?

MARIE: Nice place to post all of my articles. You just might WISE up.

Thank you.  I like it.

MARIE:  I like Seventh! It is a reminder that the Seventh Day God rested from all of His work. He blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Aren’t we lucky that God is an easy name to spell?

God bless You,
Marie Jon’

You, too’.