More Iraqi Murders

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Not Haditha, but just as heinous:

The fatal shooting of an Iraqi man could lead to murder, kidnapping and conspiracy charges against a group of Marines and a Navy corpsman, an attorney for one of the men says.

"The Los Angeles Times and NBC News said troops may have planted an AK-47 and shovel near the body to make it appear the man was an insurgent burying a roadside bomb," the Associated Press reports. "Neither suggested a possible motive for the April 26 killing in Hamandiya."

The earlier Times story cited by the AP has a slightly longer version of the alleged incident and has reaction from other Marines in Iraq. "I think it’s unfortunate that Marines were driven to something like that," one says. "It was out of line and they should be punished, but something must have frustrated them pretty badly to push them over the edge." An NBC News report says that Iraqis first raised allegations about the incident.

The Times publishes a follow-up story today, noting the likeliness of charges and adding context. "Murder charges in the Hamandiya case would be the first brought against Marines based at Camp Pendleton in the death of an Iraqi," the story says.