How To Pay For Border Guards

Ken AshfordForeign Affairs, Iraq, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Buried deep in this Washington Post article (in fact, the last paragraph) is this tidbit of news:

The White House said the new budget request by Bush would cover the $750 million-plus Guard deployment, new agents, fences and barriers, five helicopters and two new unmanned surveillance aircraft. The money would be offset by delaying other military purchases, according to the White House.

"Other military purchases" could mean anything, but it’s not hard to assume that some  of that $750 in military purchase would have benefitted our soldiers in Iraq (can you say "armor"?) or the over-all War Against Global Islamofascim (or whatever the White House is calling it these days).

So basically, we’re taking money away from The Iraq War and putting it into the War Non-Militarized Thing Against Illegal Mexican Immigration.

It would be nice if we actually spent time and effort going after — you know — bin Laden.  But that’s just me talkin’.