Chris Daughtry To Go? (UPDATE: Yup)

Ken AshfordPopular Culture3 Comments

Thanks to Heather for pointing this out — it looks like Chris Daughtry will be voted out this week.

Zeba Search, a free search engine,has the ability to track and tally phone calls and text messages to certain phones numbers, including the phone numbers used to vote for American Idol finalists.

It’s not 100% accurate although (according to Heather), they usually are.  If this is true, Chris leaves the show in a squeaker:


I’ll have more to say if this is true….

POST-SHOW UPDATE:  Well, the result was just plain silly.  Chris had every right to be shocked. 

Let’s be real about this.  It’s a popularity contest at this point, not a talent contest.  And Chris was not appealing to a large segment of Clay-Aiken-loving, singing-in-front-of-the-mirror-with-a-hairbrush, pre-teen girls and their oh-I’m-looking-for-a-surrogate-son soccer moms.  His stage presence was a little too dark for them. They also probably didn’t like the hard-driving music that he clearly enjoys.  Hey, I don’t either, but talent is talent, and Chris’s talent (especially compared to Katharine this week) was undeniable.  Really disappointing.