“Impeach Bush!”

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Foreign Affairs, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

In case you haven’t been paying attention, that’s been the rally cry from the rightwing side of the blogosphere.


Because the Bush Administration reportedly has been shadowing the Minutemen (the group of private citizens monitoring the U.S.-Mexican border for illegal immigrants), and reporting information about Minutemen groups (including their locations) to the Mexican government.  Michelle Malkin started the fire going, and other right bloggers joined in:

  • Confederate Yankee: "I’ll never support impeachment proceedings brought against President [Bush] for going to war with Iraq based on flawed intelligence. … His resistance to protecting this nation’s borders, however is another matter entirely. Bush refuses to protect the territorial integrity of the United States, leaving us exposed to an importation of poverty that strains our social welfare system and artificially depresses wages."
  • Riehl World View: "Maybe Bob’s right and Bush should be impeached. He can always retire to Mexico."
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction: "It almost seems like the stuff of fiction. A government agency shadowing the actions of American citizens and then reporting their movements and actions to a foreign government. …If a Republican President, Republican House, and Republican Senate is not enough to implement a sensible border policy in a post 9/11 era, then whats the point?"
  • RightWingNews: "Not only should Congress demand that the Border Patrol stop working with the Mexican government to circumvent our laws, they should launch an investigation in order to find out who signed off on this unconscionable outrage."
  • Bryan at Hot Air: "I’ve seen several administrations do a lot of outrageous things, but tipping a foreign government to the legal activities of American citizens just might be the most outrageous thing I’ve ever seen any American administration do."
  • Daily Pundit: "As for the treacherous Bush administration notifying a foreign power of the actions of homegrown patriots, that goes beyond despicable, and assures that the administration has no further claim on my support whatsoever. George W. Bush supports a foreign power engaged in fostering a criminal invasion of our country over the very Americans trying to stop that invasion!"
  • Tom N at Hot Air: "It surely could put the lives of the minutemen at risk, especially from drug runners..I’ve been a republican since Reagan and now IM getting worried about where the party is going..
  • The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have denied the story, but many on the right aren’t buying it.

    Pass the popcorn.

    UPDATE:  Wow.  Even the Corner’s John Derbyshire has had enough:

    I kept my mouth pretty well shut when the splendid whack-’em’upside-the-head assault on Iraq turned into a ludicrous and apologetic "nation-building" exercise.  I bellyached in a restrained fashion at the Harriet Miers farce.  I kept my grumbling over Medicaid, the budget bloat, and border security at a decently low volume.  This one, though, I can’t take.
    I can’t think of a single thing to say in favor of the national Republican party, its senators, representatives, governors, and administration.  I can’t think of a single reason why, right now, I should vote for any of them.