“I Want To Talk About Medicare, But First….”

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

U.S. federal agencies received an email telling them to work in "progress in Iraq" talking points whenever and wherever they give a public statement, according to the Washington Post.

So if the U.S. Department of Agriculture were to give a press briefing on the subject of, say, the avian flu, they have to somehow work "good news" from Iraq into their statement.

Here’s an actual suggestion (from the original document [PDF]) about how to work the subject of Iraq into press briefings that have nothing to do with Iraq:


Awwwwkward.  Kind of like

The name of the book about which
This book report is about is
Peter Rabbit which is about this
I found it very-
I liked the part where-
It was a-

It reminded me of "Robin Hood"
And the part where Little John jumped from the rock
To the Sheriff of Nottingham’s back.
And then Robin and everyone swung from the trees
In a sudden surprise attack.