Laura Bush Takes A Strong Principled Stand

Ken AshfordForeign AffairsLeave a Comment

Her views on the National Anthem in Spanish:

Asked her opinion on Wednesday in an interview with CNN’s John King, Mrs. Bush said, "I don’t think there’s anything wrong with singing it in Spanish."

She noted that "we are a nation of many, many languages" and that the country has already heard many versions of the anthem "like at the Super Bowl."

"What people want is it to be sung in a way that respects the United States and our culture," she said.

Now, the punchline:

But when it was pointed out that this position differed from her husband’s, Mrs. Bush had a different answer.

"Well, I think it should be sung in English, of course," she said.

So she was for the Spanish National Anthem before she was against it … just seconds earlier.

UPDATE:  Think Progress says it’s got be a record for flip-flops: only 25 seconds.