Progress In Iraq

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment


  • A US Inspector General’s report into reconstruction found that although $22 billion had been spent, water, sewage and electricity, infrastructure still operated at prewar levels
  • Despite “significant progress” in recent months, less than half the water and electricity projects have been completed
  • Only six of the 150 planned health centres have been completed
  • US officials spent $70 million on medical equipment for health clinics that are unlikely ever to be built. More than 75 per cent of the funds for the 150 planned clinics have been allocated
  • Task Force Shield, the $147 million programme to train Iraqi security units to protect key oil and electrical sites failed to meet its goals. A fraud investigation is under way
  • Oil production was 2.18 million barrels per day in the last week of March. Before the war it was 2.6 million


  • The U.S. embassy in Baghdad, known disparagingly to Iraqis as "George W’s palace" — a 104 acre complex which will be the largest embassy in the world
  • A water park, complete with a wave machine.  Rad!!