Improv Everywhere Strikes Again

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Bestbuyimprov Improv Everywhere is an improvisational group which does, well, I guess you could call it performance art.  But rather than "perform" for an "audience" in a "theater", the group performs "missions", or "happenings" (to use the parlance of the 80’s).

Past missions include staffing the restroom of Midtown McDonald’s with a bathroom attendant, and performing a synchronized swimming routine in the fountain at Washington Square Park.  The group’s most well-known mission was having its "agents" (or performers) ride the subways without pants (underwear only).

Last week, the group went on another mission.  They (and volunteers they rounded up) decided to dress in Best Buy outfits (blue shirt, khaki pants, back shoes) and enter an unsuspecting Best Buy en masse.

You know, to see what happened.

Read what happened (and see the videos)