Gore Speaks

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

Every time I catch a snippet of a Gore speech, I like what he says:

The behavior of ExxonMobil is disgraceful. They finance in whole or in part 40 organizations that put out disinformation on global warming designed to confuse the American people. There has emerged in the last couple of decades a lobbying strategy that is based on trying to control perceptions. In some sense it’s not new, but it’s new in the sophistication and the amount of resources they devote to it. It’s not new in the sense it’s the same thing the tobacco industry did after the surgeon general’s report of 1964, and that is a major part of the reason why the Bush administration doesn’t do anything. The president put their chief guy in charge of environmental policy in the White House.

…you know the temptation to reject the truth and try to manufacture your own reality is what got us into Iraq — it’s what got us into these deficits. At some point, reality has its day. I hope they’ll change. I think there is a chance they’ll change. You know Winston Churchill once said that the American people generally do the right thing after first exhausting every other alternative. And maybe after exhausting every other alternative, Bush will do the right thing on this. I’m not going to hold my breath, but I do think that there’s a chance.

I can’t look into their [Bush’s and Rove’s] hearts — I’ll let the grand jury do that. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.

This guy is clearly running in 2008, and I think he’s hitting the ground running.