Renew America Snippets

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Great moments in right wing punditry abound at Renew America.  These are actual quotes from columnists there, from the past few days:

Barbara Stock on immigration: "These illegal immigrants say they are coming here for a ‘better life’ just as the people on the Titanic were doing. But there are two major differences between the Mexican immigrants and those doomed souls on the Titanic. Those coming here in 1912 were entering America the correct way…"

Marie Jon on the Bush legacy: "President Bush, to borrow an old phrase from the makers of Star Trek, has ‘gone where no man has gone before.’"

Sher Zieve on terrorism:  "I have to question if this most-recent Osama tape was actually made by the ‘man himself’ or some enraged Democrat."

Curtis Dahlgren in an imaginary conversation with his long-dead grandmother: "Hi Gramma! Sorry I missed your funeral. I think it was a school day."

Curtis Dahlgren again, telling his long-dead grandmother what’s been happening since she died: "Well, we now have same-sex marriages you know."

Cynthia A. Janak on the reason for high gas prices: "I guess I have more research to do after I finish writing this article."