And You Thought It Was Over

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Yup, they’re making another Star Trek movie.  The 11th one since 1979.  The eleventh.  (I stopped paying attention after, like, the sixth one).

It’s unclear which "generation" the movie will focus on.  The original cast is pretty much a non-starter: Doohan (Scotty) and Kelley (Dr. McCoy) are dead.  Shatner is 75 and fat, but could play Jabba the Hut (ooops — wrong series!).  Plus, his character is dead.  Nimoy is also 75.

The "Next Generation" movies have generally been lackluster, and who gives a crap about Deep Space Nine, Captain Janeway, or Scott Bakula.

Still, somewhere on this planet, geeks are rejoicing.