American Idol Update: That’s All, Ace

Ken AshfordPopular Culture7 Comments

AcemusicLast night was Ace’s night to go.  It was only a matter of time, and better sooner than later.  How approrpriate that his song for the week was Nat King Cole hit, "That’s All".

The startling thing was the voters’ choice for "bottom three".  Granted, at this stage in the competition, you are going to have really good people in the bottom three.

But Chris?  Paris?  They kicked it on Tuesday night!  They were way better than Katharine and waaaaaaay better than Kellie.  Why were they in the bottom three?  I attribute this to the fact that they sang first, which seems to be a clear disadvantage.

Anyway, we’re down to six, and at this point, there’s nobody I don’t like.  Still, I think I can segregate them into two tiers:

LOWER TIER:  Elliot and Kellie

UPPER TIER:  Chris, Paris, Katharine, and Taylor

Next week’s theme is "love songs", which probably means — yup — more power ballads.  Not the best genre for Chris and Taylor, but it’s a broad enough genre that they should be able to find something that suits them.

I think Kellie dodged a bullet this week, and if she doesn’t turn it around next week, she’s gone.