Kaye Grogan’s Email To President Bush

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy2 Comments

Grogan0403Kaye Grogan sent an email to President Bush today.  You can read the whole thing here, but here’s a summary.

Kaye starts off by complaining about illegal immigration:

Our people — especially the elderly, are suffering in their own country, so therefore it is "unacceptable" that we as American taxpayers should have to bear the brunt of a country like Mexico and be responsible for boosting their economy, while our own people are suffering. The Bible says that "charity" first begins at home.

Sir Thomas Browne, the Bible: same thing.

But that aside, we’re not sure what Kaye is getting at.  When undocumented aliens come into this country from Mexico and get jobs here, they presumably spend that money here as well.  How does this provide a "boost" to Mexico’s economy?

And what is Kaye suggesting?  That these Mexicans are taking jobs from the "suffering" elderly?

Fortunately, Kaye has found the perfect solution:

There is a simple solution to replacing the need for illegal immigrants to come to America to work in a "guest" workers program. The prisons are filled to capacity with a large amount of "unproductive" citizens. These prisoners can return something back to society for their crimes by picking crops and other jobs that other Americans (supposedly) will not take. In other words, earning their upkeep. Of course, the prisoners would have to be guarded the same as when they are assigned to work detail on the highways.

Apparently, Kaye is working on the theory that 12 million undocumented Mexican aliens are up here and they are all picking crops or working on highway detail.  That’s a LOT of crops and highways, Kaye.

But assuming she’s right, we will need lots of guards to watch over these prisoners, right?  Who will do that job?  Hey!  How about all those undocumented aliens?

Next, Kaye simply goes off on one of her patented diversions:

Mr. President, it is simply asking too much of Americans to stand by and watch as our United States flag is being banned from schools, for fear that it offends other nationalities.

That’s right.  Kaye thinks the American flag is being banned from schools now.

She’s only warming up though.  She then talks about how she’s (help, help!) being oppessed.

The religious people, especially the Christians, have been attacked through groups like the ACLU far too long. And the foreigners are expecting us to be tolerant of their various religions — at the same time showing extreme intolerance for us to practice our religion and traditions openly.

Yeah.  Don’t you hate it when those Mexicans come across the border and make you practice your religion in dark allies and stuff?

By the way, what religion does Kaye think most of these Mexican people believe, if not Christianity?

Kaye continues for a while on the topic of religion, straying even further from immigration:

As you well know, our ancestors risked their lives to start a country founded on God. And that religious freedom is protected under the First Amendment. Separation of church and state simply means: that the government cannot adopt a particular religion and make it mandatory that all people accept and practice the selected religion.

Gee, that doesn’t sound like a country "founded on God".

I believe that the anti-God groups know this to be the case, but they have been allowed to trample over the religious rights of American citizens, while the government conveniently looked the other way hoping this dilemma would just go away just like the problem with immigration.

Ah, she finally worked her way back to the subject of immigration, in a "Peter Rabbit was sort of that kind of thing too" kind of way.

Well, we hope that President Bush enjoyed Kaye’s email.  We sure did.