Bush Ratings At An All-Time Low

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

That’s the headline screaming from CBS, who now have Bush at 34%.

(And Cheney’s at 18%.  That’s simply mind-blowing.  Why so high?)

UPDATE:  A conservative "pollster-type" writes to the Corner and takes aim at the poll’s methodology.  He peaks in silliness when he writes this:

Now, I’ll tell you right now, what "Americans" or "adults nationwide" think, doesn’t matter one iota in politics, or the polling world.   Ultimately, anyone who thinks CBS is guilty of bias can find more evidence in this poll, which is exceedingly dirty.

That’s right.  The poll is biased because it asks what "Americans" and "adults nationwide" think.  And when it comes to politics, who cares what "Americans" think?